Location Icon Clinic M505, Metro Davao Medical and Research Center, Davao City, Philippines
Clock Icon Open Tuesday-Saturday from 9am-4pm
Phone Icon 0925 700 8063

Breast Care

Majority of women will experience breast changes in their lifetime. Age, genes, hormone levels, and chemicals in food and medicines may contribute to these changes such as lumps, bumps, nipple discharges, and skin irritations. Benign and malignant breast problems have similar symptoms. Although breast cancer is number 1 cancer among women, majority or 80% of breast problems are still benign.

Dr Jena seeks training abroad to offer modern options to the treatment of her breast patients. She is also passionate in counselling her patients, not just medical issues but more importantly spiritual issues, leaving them more comforted and empowered.

Common Breast Benign Problems

Breast pain is called mastalgia. Breasts respond to hormonal changes with menstrual cycle. Many women experience pain before or during their periods. This is normal but sometimes the pain can be bothersome.

Cysts are fluid-filled lumps and harmless. They can be solitary or multiple. A fine needle aspiration of the fluid is sometimes needed.

A milky discharge is normal to pregnant and lactating women. A clear or bloody discharge should be checked by a doctor.

Benign fibrocystic changes are the most common cause of benign lumps in the breast. It develops in breasts that are more sensitive to hormonal changes leading to breasts becoming thicker and lumpy over time. This condition generally disappears at menopause.

Fibroadenoma is a benign lump of fibrous tissue. It is firm and movable, often round in shape with smooth surface like a marble.

Mastitis is infection of the breast tissue that causes pain, swelling, warmth and redness of the breast. This is very common to lactating women due to engorgement, plugged milk ducts, or milk that remains in the breast after a feeding.

Benign vs Cancer

Benign breast condition may have similar signs and symptoms with breast cancer. Benign lumps may grow slowly and do not spread to other parts of the body. Cancer lumps grow fast and can spread to other parts of the body. It is highly recommended that you consult your breast specialist immediately to help you determine if your breast condition is benign or cancer.

Diagnostic Tests

  • Ultrasound
  • Mammogram
  • MRI
  • Fine needle aspiration
  • Core needle biopsy
  • Mammotome
  • Excision biopsy

Steps to Healthy Breasts

  • Self breast examination once a month
  • Clinical breast examination once a year
  • Screening mammogram starting at age 40

Maintain ideal weight, eat right, exercise regularly, avoid smoking and alcohol

Pray and come to God

Seek viable solutions to problems

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is diagnosed ultimately with biopsy. Treatment options may depend on the stage and type of cancer, your general health and your preference. Our Lady Surgeon will guide you all throughout the process. Dr Jena has special attention and compassion toward her breast cancer patients.

Breast cancer treatment options:

  • Lumpectomy
  • Mastectomy
  • Axillary Staging
    • Sentinel Node Biopsy
    • Axillary Clearance
  • Breast Reconstruction

Dr Jena Book an Appointment


Schedule an appointment with Dr. Jena and get a medical opinion from a Lady Surgeon.

0925 700 8063